Genesis Life Projects Food Collection Volunteer

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Genesis Life Projects includes Lifeline and Line Skills. Lifeline is a day centre providing crisis support for people who are homeless, vulnerably housed or experiencing complex challenges such as financial insecurity, mental ill-health and substance misuse. We provide food, clothing, small household items, access to a shower and laundry facilities, phones and IT and much more. Life Skills offer people access to a range of health and well-being activities that are practical, creative and therapeutic.

We are often offered free food from local shops and businesses. This free food needs collecting and delivering to our Gateway Centre. We need a volunteer to collect food at an agreed time and deliver to the Gateway Centre, and then to help unpack and store it as needed. You will need your own transport and you will need to check that your car insurance covers for business use. Genesis will cover your mileage costs and support you with any extra cost to your car insurance that may incur upgrading to business use.